Realizing a Vision for Habitat Restoration
Kelsey Fleming – private lands biologist, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Nate Schmitz – wildlife specialist, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
When it comes to restoring and managing native habitat on private lands, knowing where to start can be a daunting prospect. Join landowner Don Eyerly and biologists from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to explore some of the habitat restoration work that Don and his family have undertaken on their Madison County, Iowa, farm. You’ll also learn about programs like the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Iowa Habitat and Access Program (IHAP) that provide technical and financial assistance to landowners interested in conservation.
The Landowner:
Don Eyerly is a landowner from Madison County, Iowa. Don has experience using a range of conservation programs to restore different types of habitat on his property. He has worked closely with conservation professionals from several agencies and organizations to shape and implement a vision for his property that includes a diverse mosaic of native habitat.
- Habitat
- Conservation programs
- Wildlife